Let's Talk...A Monthly ChitChat

by - Monday, December 26, 2016

Today, I am linking up with Erika and Andrea for the last Let's Talk of 2016. The theme this week is Home Tips and Tricks.

I am going to talk about Laundry because besides cleaning the kitchen and bathroom this is probably my least favorite chore in the house.

It is also very surprising that I dislike doing LAUNDRY because my family owns coin laundrymats and I grew up in them.

I typically try to do laundry on the weekends starting on my Friday evenings and finishing the last load on either Saturday evening or Sunday morning. However, I absolutely hate folding t-shirts and socks.

I always seem to be losing socks and I have a drawer full of single socks looking for mates.

I have been reading The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up and when I get back home (I am at parents for holidays) I plan to go through whole house and just toss the single pairs. Let's face it they are never going to find sole mates. :-)

Since reading the book, I have adopted the system of folding tshirts the KonMari way and will say I do enjoy folding a little more now.

I will be honest and tell you I never learned how to IRON properly so yes we have an ironing board but if something needs to be ironed it either goes to the dry cleaners or my husband does it. I get to impatient and create more wrinkles than I began with.

My goal is 2017 is to adopt the KonMari way of tidying my house so it is never cluttered and I do enjoy doing laundry a little bit more and have better systems of organization in my house.

What is the chore you dread doing?

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