Keeping Whites White

by - Thursday, January 25, 2018

How to Keep White Clothes White

Do you ever notice a child, a co-worker, a family member and get jealous because man on man do their white jeans look so clean! Or dang how do they wash those blasted school shirts? You laundry can look like theirs if you follow these steps!!!

Step 1

Sort your dirty laundry carefully! Washing white clothes separate from colors will prevent color bleeding and transfer. This is what causes your whites to look dirty or dingy mixing them with other colors. You may say well I am doing a load of lights and WHITE is a light color. WRONG! Wash those whites separate. You wouldn't wash your bras/undies with your towels they need to be washed on delicate. Likewise separate your whites out.

white towels

Step 2

Do not overload a washer...your clothes need room to get water and spin out.

Step 3

Chose a detergent that contains optical brightening power. They will make your whites appear whiter than they are and thus trick you EYE! I suggest using CLOROX 2, Borox or Vinegar with your whites.


Step 4

Treat your stains quickly. Letting that spaghetti sauce sit until you are ready to do a load of whites isn't going to help. Treat your strain and soak it for a while if you can't right away do a load of laundry.

Step 5

I do not suggest using fabric softener when washing your whites. Instead use 1 cup of what I call my magic ingredient vinegar to your load.

Step 6

Check your clothes when you pull them out of the washer. If there are still stains soak your clothes for a while. DO NOT put them in the DRYER. The stain will set and will NEVER be REMOVED!!!
Even better if you can hang it to dry do this instead.

You can also try to use bleach but ONLY use it on COTTON!!! It can damage fabrics! It is great for towels and sheets but not tshirts!!!

Lemon juice is another great alternative, it is a natural bleaching agent.
Soak your clothes for an hour or overnight in hot water with a little lemon juice added and then wash as usual the following day.

Hopefully some of these tips are helpful! What do you use to keep your whites white? Please comment below.

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