Tuesday Talk...AMAZON

by - Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Today, I am liking up with Fancy Ashley from (http://www.fancyashley.com/) and Erika from (http://tabanderika.blogspot.com/) from Tuesday Talk. This is a fun link up where we talk about any and everything, whether it be fashion, books, recent shopping purchases or just everyday life!!
Who else here uses AMAZON PRIME? My husband and I about two years ago both decided that this yearly subscription was so worth it. I was at the time teaching and constantly ordering books from Amazon for the library. A student or parent would suggest a book and VIOLA within 2 days it would arrive on my desk at work. I call that a MAJOR win win!!! 

Amazon Prime is so much more than a yearly subscription and getting things on your doorstep quickly. Did you know with your PRIME account you get Prime Photos, Videos, and Music? You can also create an audible account if you have a KINDLE and listen to books. Amazon seems to truly have it all figured out. For that I say give me all the praise hands!!!

I wanted to share some of my most recent AMAZON purchases with you.


I was looking for a new devotional this year and after receiving many suggestions I got New Morning Mercies by Paul David Tripp. I love the short daily verses at the beginning of each day. He then goes on to say a couple of words and relates it all back to scripture. If you are looking for more time in the WORD he points you to further scripture reading. I have to say my book is highlighted, underlined and starred everywhere. This devotional is just so relatable to everyday living!!


I wasn't a daily coffee drinker until I hit 30. Hello ADULT world! Now I love coffee in the morning and love it decaf in the afternoons especially on a chilly day. One evening at small group one of the members was using a milk frother and OMG I was hooked!! This simple little 14.99 milk frother I swear makes my coffee super yummy. Just a quick whirl and your coffee is whipped. It saves you the Starbucks run and also going to Bed Bath and Beyond because this one just magically appeared in my mailbox!!


Since moving back to TX OMG my hair has changed so much. My hair dresser suggested multiple brands of shampoo and conditioner and nothing was working. I decided to go back to my orginial hair care routine expect ULTA and my local beauty shop didn't sell my brand of product. AH HA moment Amazon to the rescue.

What are some of your favorite AMAZON buys?!?!

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